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Spring Awakening Audition Instructions

Please memorize and prepare a one-minute dramatic monologue. Your monologue should be from a play found in the library or a bookstore. It should NOT be from a monologue you find online. Choose something that allows you demonstrate what your character wants (their objective) and what is getting in their way (their obstacle). When selecting a monologue, you might ask yourself: How is this character like me? How is this character different from me? How does this character sit/stand/move that is different from the way I sit/stand/move? Why does my character deliver this monologue at this moment in the play?

ACTors will learn a song at the first audition and will learn choreography at the Thursday audition.

Break a leg!

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© 2012 Arlington Children's Theatre. All rights reserved.

Last updated: Mon May 7 2012 10:00 EDT