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Size:Maximum 25
Where: Regent Theatre Basement
Camp Day:9 AM–4 PM
Extended Care:8:30 AM–5 PM
Dates: I: July 9–20
II: July 23–August 3
III: August 6–17
Performances:Fridays at 4 PM
Discounts for multiple sessions or multiple siblings.
Details below.

ACT Summer Day Program 2012

This summer, we are offering 3 two-week sessions of fun and exciting theatrical and musical adventures. Each session, we will rehearse scene and song selections from The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley Junior and perform them on the final Friday afternoon at 4 PM. Classes in movement, voice, acting and theatre games will fill out each day.

In addition, each two-week session will have a different special focus, led by an expert instructor in that topic:

As always, you may register for multiple sessions and will have a fresh, new experience each time!

A few important details:

Important Note: The Regent Underground Theatre is NOT handicapped accessible


If you would like to be a counselor for the Summer Vacation Program, download this Application Form, fill out all fields, then email to Colleen

Details, Forms, etc.

© 2011 Arlington Children's Theater. All rights reserved.

Last updated: Sat Jun 3 2017 11:13 EDT