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Producers:Kristi Armstrong
Nancy Morrison
Matt Lundeen
Director:Lexi Quagliozzi
Fee:$200 due at audition.
No refunds after start of auditions.
Registration:Aug 20–Sep 6
AuditionsWed Sep 18th, 6-8PM
Character Descriptions
Rehearsals: Wed & Thu: 5–7 PM starting September 25th.
Dress Rehearsals: November 4–6
Full Schedule
My Schedule
School Performances: Thursday, Nov 7, 8–12 AM
Friday, Nov 8, 8–12 AM
Arlington Center for the Arts
Public Performances: Friday, Nov 8, 7pm
Saturday, Nov 9, 7pm
Sunday, Nov 10, 2pm
Arlington Center for the Arts
A limited number of scholarships are available for all ACT workshops and productions. Scholarship applications must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the first meeting of a production or workshop to be considered. Please contact the treasurer for more information.
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Please make checks payable to:

Arlington Children's Theatre
41 Foster St., Unit 5
Arlington MA, 02474

----- OR -----

Pay via PayPal or Credit Card:

Name(s) of Participant(s):

Roald Dahl's Big Friendly Giant

We will be updating this page throughout the production, so be sure to check back here and refresh or reload your browser to make sure you are getting the latest information.

Welcome to ACT's 2013 Collaboration with Arlington Center for the Arts


Auditions are scheduled for Wed, Sep 11th 6–8 PM

In preparation for auditions, please:

First Rehearsal

Our first rehearsal will be Wednesday, September 25th from 5–7 PM at ACT. We will be holding a parents meeting on Monday at 5:00 PM to recruit Committee Heads for Cast Party, T-shirts, Publicity, Tickets/box office, Raffle, Program, Costumes/makeup, Props, Sets, Bake Sale, and Run Crew.

We look forward to seeing you then.

Forms, Etc.

Audition Form: [pdf] [doc] This is a short survey with information so we can know more about you.
Health Form: Health information so we are prepared for any issues during rehearsals and shows.
Liability Form: Liability waivers
Behavior Form: An agreement defining our behavioral standards
Character descriptions

General Information:

About the Play

The BFG and Sophie team up to save the children of England from the child-eating giants, Bloodbottler, Fleshlumpeater, Bonecruncher, Meatdripper, Childchewer, and Gizzardgulper. They are assisted by the Queen of England and the Heads of the Army and Airforce with their helicopters. Locations include the BFG's cave in Giant Country, Dream Country and Buckingham Palace.

For announcements of shows, auditions, workshops and other activities of the ACT, please sign up for our e-mail mailing list.

© 2013 Arlington Children's Theatre. All rights reserved.

Last updated: Thu May 29 2014 21:20 EDT