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The Drowsy Chaperone
Character Descriptions

Man in Chair
Walks the audience through the show. Alludes to some failed relationships in the past. Lives alone and has trouble paying his electricity bills on time.
Janet Van de Graaf
Star of Feldzig's Follies who wants to give it up for marriage. Sings “Show Off” and “Bride's Lament”. Marries Robert at end of show.
Robert Martin
Token 1920's Leading Man character. Sings “Cold Feets” and “Accident Waiting to Happen” (the latter while blindfolded on rollerskates!).
Best friend of Robert and shares the 'Cold Feets' tap dance with Robert. Ultimately serves as the best man for all four weddings. Many people on tis forum consider George to be the worst character in the show.
Gangsters 1 and 2
Two 'on the lam' criminals who pose as pastry chefs. Sing and dance in “Toledo Surprise”
Producer of Feldzig's Follies. Plans to stop the wedding between Robert and Janet. Marries Kitty at end of show.
Token 'dumb blonde' character. Wants to take Janet's place as star of Feldzig's Follies.
Token Italian heartthrob character. Sings “I Am Aldolpho” and marries the Chaperone.
The Drowsy Chaperone
Perpetually drunk assistant to Janet. Sings “As We Stumble Along” (IMHO, the best song in the show).
Mrs. Tottendale
Eccentric and oftentimes forgetful older lady who finances Robert and Janet's wedding. Sings “Love is Always Lovely in the End”. Marries Underling.
Tottendale's butler and manservant.
Aviatrix who serves as minister for the married couples. Sings “I Do, I Do in the Sky”

© 2013 Arlington Children's Theatre. All rights reserved.

Last updated: Thu Apr 18 2013 21:15 EDT