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Ten Minute Play Festival
Producers: Lori Harris
Sue Rock Tully
Directors: Courtney Jones
Emma Maclean
Lily Grob
Gillian Buckley
Laura Kirchner
Victoria Kleber
Stage Manager:Kate Medwar Vanderlinden
Fee:$175 due at audition.
No refunds after start of auditions.
Registration:Aug 9–Sep 9
AuditionsTue Sep 15th, 5:30-7:00PM
Rehearsals: Mon–Thu: 5–9 PM starting September 16th.
one to two rehearsals per week per play, no more than two hours each. Dress Rehearsals: October 12–15
Full Schedule
My Schedule
Performances: 7 PM Fri Oct 16
2 PM Sat Oct 17
2 PM Sun Oct 18
Arlington Masonic Temple
payment: can be hidden after all payments have been received.


Please make checks payable to:

Arlington Children's Theatre
41 Foster St., Unit 5
Arlington MA, 02474

----- OR -----

Pay via PayPal or Credit Card:

Name(s) of Participant(s):

Ten Minute Play Festival

Notes in this color are guides showing parts of the page that will be hidden at different times.

frequent: Displayed throughout production, hidden in archive. We will be updating this page throughout the production, so be sure to check back here and refresh or reload your browser to make sure you are getting the latest information.

Welcome to ACT's 2015 Ten Minute Play Festival. We are glad you are able to join us.


preaudition: Hidden after auditions

Auditions are scheduled for Tue, Sep 15th 5:30–7:00 PM

In preparation for auditions, please:

First Rehearsal

FirstReh: Hidden until after auditions

Our first rehearsal will be Wednesday, September 16th from 5:30–7:30 PM at ACT. We will be holding a parents meeting on Wednesday at 7:00 PM to recruit Committee Heads for Cast Party, T-shirts, Publicity, Tickets/box office, Raffle, Program, Costumes/makeup, Props, Sets, Bake Sale, and Run Crew.

We look forward to seeing you then.

Schedules Posted

SchedPosted: Hidden until schedule is ready.

Links to the online schedule for all shows can be found in the table on the right. These schedules will continue to be updated as rehearsals start, so be sure to check back frequently.

Forms, Etc.

General Information:

About the Plays

With a variety of short productions, the Ten Minute Play Festival offers ACTors more opportunities to explore their talents than they might find in a larger production.

The Plays
Left to Right by Steven Dietz
Director:Emma Maclean
Rehearsals:Mondays 5–6 PM
The Proposal by Paul Siemens
Director:Courtney Jones
Rehearsals:Thursdays 5–6:15 PM
Saving Face by Richard Keller
Director:Courtney Jones
Rehearsals:Thursdays 6:15–7:30 PM
picnic (pik'nik): v.i. by Brendan Healy
Director:Emma Maclean
Rehearsals:Mondays 6–7 PM
Bar Mitzvah Boy by Samara Siskind
Director:Emma Maclean
Rehearsals:Mondays 7–8 PM
The Fortune Cookie by Tuan Phan
Director:Courtney Jones
Rehearsals:Thursdays 7:30–8:45 PM
The Nanny by Kristen Dabrowski
Directors:Victoria Kleber & Laura Kirchner
Rehearsals:Mondays 6:30–8 PM
Bees by Kristen Dabrowski
Directors:Lily Grob & Gillian Buckley
Rehearsals:Mondays 5–6:30 PM

For announcements of shows, auditions, workshops and other activities of the ACT, please sign up for our e-mail mailing list.

© 2015 Arlington Children's Theatre. All rights reserved.

Last updated: Sat Jun 3 2017 10:35 EDT