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The Witches
Producers: Ann Horgan
Christie Young
Director:Lexi Quagliozzi
Asst. Dir.:Michael McCormack
Fee:$200 due at audition.
No refunds after start of auditions.
Registration:Aug 9–Sep 2
AuditionsWed Sep 9th, 5:00–7:00 PM

Tue & Wed: 5–7 PM starting September 15th.

Dress Rehearsals: November 2–3

SchedLinks: Hidden until online schedule is posted

School Performances: Wednesday, Nov 4, 8–12 AM
Thursday, Nov 5, 8–12 AM
Arlington Center for the Arts
Public Performances: Friday, Nov 6, 7pm
Saturday, Nov 7, 7pm
Sunday, Nov 8, 2pm
Arlington Center for the Arts
A limited number of scholarships are available for all ACT workshops and productions. Scholarship applications must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the first meeting of a production or workshop to be considered. Please contact the treasurer for more information.

Payment: May be hidden after all payments are received.


Please make checks payable to:

Arlington Children's Theatre
41 Foster St., Unit 5
Arlington MA, 02474

----- OR -----

Pay via PayPal or Credit Card:

Name(s) of Participant(s):
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Guides: Notes in this color are to expose the structure of the page and will be hidden before the page goes live. Various parts of the page will be hidden at various times as noted.

The Witches

Welcome to ACT's 2015 Collaboration with Arlington Center for the Arts.

We will be updating this page throughout the production, so be sure to check back here and refresh or reload your browser to make sure you are getting the latest information.

AuditionInfo: Will be hidden after auditions


Auditions are scheduled for Wednesday, September 9th from 5:00–7:00 PM at Arlington Center for the Arts.

In preparation for auditions, please:

FirstReh: Will be hidden until after auditions, then can be hidden after the first rehearsal.

First Rehearsal and Parent Meeting

Our first rehearsal will be Tuesday, September 15th from 5–7 PM at ACT. During this rehearsal, from 6:30–7:00 PM, we will also have a parent meeting to solicit volunteers to help with the production.

SchedPosted: Hidden until schedule is ready.

Schedules Posted

Links to the online schedule for all shows can be found in the table on the right. These schedules will continue to be updated as rehearsals start, so be sure to check back frequently.

ProductionNotes: Will be hidden until there are production notes.



Bring your forms and payment with you to your audition.

About the Play

This is a faithful adaptation of Roald Dahl’s classic story in which Boy and his Grandmother defeat the Grand High Witch and her followers, who are holding a Conference in an English seaside hotel. During the struggle, Boy gets turned into a mouse.

The Witches are nothing like the ones who wear pointed hats and fly on broomsticks – they look very much like ordinary women, which helps their deception. The play offers many opportunities for illusions and inventive puppetry. Humour is provided by the vulgar Jenkins family, whose son, Bruno, also becomes a mouse.

For announcements of shows, auditions, workshops and other activities of the ACT, please sign up for our e-mail mailing list.

© 2015 Arlington Children's Theatre. All rights reserved.

Last updated: Sat Jun 3 2017 10:36 EDT