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James and the Giant Peach Audition Instructions


Actors are asked to prepare one of the following monologues. Memorization is not required, but strongly encouraged!

Matron Nurse

The most important thing from here on is your aunties. You do everything they ask of you. Don’t talk back, or be a nuisance. You can’t ever come back here James. You’ve got a family to take care of you now. Come along. We’re gonna have to ‘urry if we’re gonna make the train to Dover.


And there it is! The very first primordial ooze of an inkling that has the potential to lead to so many other fan-tas-ma-rific things! Ha! James! That bag, right over there, contains something remark-u-lous! Are you willing to reach into the great unknown and find out what’s inside? Come on, James! Only you have the power to change the course of your wretched little life. What’s it gonna be? Victim? Or hero?


For the music portion of the auditions, actors are asked to listen to the following selection from James and the Giant Peach, the lyrics are provided. Actors will need to sing the selection at auditions, accompanied by the music director and piano. The segment is the first 31 seconds only, do not prepare the entire song!


First 31 seconds of the song:

We held on through that storm

the clouds have finally parted and we're safe and warm

take a breath sing a song

finally we landed right where we belong

unwind unpack we'll always have your back

welcome home welcome home welcome home welcome home my friend

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Last updated: Wed Sep 7 2016 20:15 EDT