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Guys and Dolls JR: Character Descriptions

Nicely-nicely Johnson
Just like his name suggests, he is the nicest and cheeriest of the gambling crooks. High-spirited and a bit naïve, but sincere and genuine. Nathan's loyal friend and lackey.
Benny Southstreet
Nathan's right-hand man and a gambler himself. Smart, slick, always moving and shaking, but with what he thinks are Nathan's best interest at heart.
Sarah Brown
A pretty, bright-eyed woman who serves as Sergeant of the local Mission. She fully believes in her worthy cause and wishes to convert the gambling sinners to saints. Falls unexpectedly in love with Sky along the way. She is prudish and uptight, but eventually lets go.
Arvide Abernathy
The bass drum and cymbal player in the Mission band, he is Sarah's loving grandfather. Wise and sweet, he wants nothing but the best for her.
Harry The Horse
A crook and gambler. He is a tough guy with dollar signs as his bottom line. Brings Big Jule into Nathan's craps game and backs his cheating, but is also a man of his word in the gambling community.
Lt. Brannigan
A New York police officer who is on to Nathan's illegal craps games and is dead-set on catching him. A tough, no-nonsense character.
Nathan Detroit
A good-hearted gambler and craps game organizer who could never hit the big time. He loves Adelaide, but cannot quit his gambling ways. A broke schemer with unwitting ways.
Miss Adelaide
Nathan's fiancé and a lead performer at the Hot Box nightclub. She loves Nathan more than anything in the world and desperately wants to get married. Pretty, outspoken, stubborn.
Sky Masterson
A high-stakes gambler whose luck never seems to run out, and a wild card who surprises himself when he falls in love with the unlikeliest of women. Suave, smart, handsome.
Big Jule
A big time craps player from Chicago who uses a gun and his own pair of rigged dice to bully his way into never losing. Tough looking. A bit of an oaf.

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Last updated: Tue Apr 26, 2016 20:40 EDT