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Tom Sawyer: Character Descriptions

Becky Thatcher
The pretty new girl. When trapped in the cave, she proves to be resolute and worthy of Tom's affections.
Huckleberry Finn (Huck)
Huck has been the outcast from society his entire life. The adults look upon him as a disgrace and a bad influence; the youngsters look at him with envy because he has complete freedom to do whatever he likes.
Tom's cousin. She likes Tom very much but wants to change him and resorts to bribing him to be good.
Widow Douglas
The wealthiest person in the town, she is good, kindhearted, and generous. Because of her nature, Injun Joe's planned revenge—mutilating her—becomes that much more horrible. She is saved by the activities of Huck Finn and becomes his guardian.
He is the villain, the essence of evil in the novel.
Muff Potter
The harmless old man who is framed for Dr. Robinson's murder (which was actually committed by Injun Joe).
Joe Harper
Tom's closest friend and second in command in Tom's adventures. He is not as clever as Tom is, nor is he the leader that Tom is. On Jackson's Island, Joe is the first to want to return to the security of home.
Judge Thatcher (and Mrs. Thatcher)
Becky's parents who are highly esteemed members of the community. The Judge uses his authority to seal up the opening to the cave to protect other youngsters and, in doing so, inadvertently seals up Injun Joe.
Mr. Dobbins
The schoolmaster. At the end of the school year, the entire school conspires to play a trick on him.
Tom Sawyer
the young protagonist of the play, trouble seems to follow him everywhere.
Mr. Walters
The Sunday school superintendent who is overly dedicated to his job.
The Reverend Mr. Sprague
The pastor of the village church.
Townspeople and Children

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Last updated: Tue Mar 14, 2017 08:45 EDT