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Offstage Opportunities for Kids

ACT offers many opportunities for kids of all ages to participate in the creation of each show in addition to or in place of acting. It takes all kinds of talents to bring a successful production to the stage. Let us know where your interests and talents lie and we'll work to find a place that 'fits' for you for this show!

Opportunities to assist on the various committees include:

Here's what some of the kids who have done this before have to say:

I learned that I love working with younger kids! I also learned how much it takes to put on a play in such a short period of time, that kids are capable of learning things much faster than you would expect, and that moving canvas flats in a short period of time is not as easy as it looks! It was fun because I got to see what a show is like from a different perspective than acting. I got to know some kids I never really talked to before who are very sweet, and I got to see a lot of kids who were doing theater for the first time begin to develop a real liking for it.

Emily, age 13
Intern for Half Magic

I love to act but with (my busy schedule), I don't have the time during the year. So working on the choreography is perfect for me. I leaned that there are many different sides to the end result of a play and that it makes it better knowing you helped out. I LOVE ACT! I love performing and being active and everyone there is unique but they all love theater. Everyone is so nice and welcoming and take the time to really get to know you. It's a big enthusiastic, happy family and it's really fun.

Mari, age 14
Fairy Choreographer & Run Crew for A Midsummer Night's Dream

I learned I love theater. I knew that before but I have horrible stage fright piled on top of an amazing lack of talent. By working back stage I can still be involved with theater, but not have to act. It was soooo much fun. I worked with my friend who I rarely see due to our different schools, and I made friends who I feel very close to.

Franny, age 15
Run Crew for many shows

I learned that it can be really fun to be behind the scenes, and not necessarily up on stage, something that had never occurred to me before this show. I learned how difficult it is to keep a bunch of young actors under control, and how the directors must feel! It was sooo awesome to be a part of the show even though I didn't have the time to be in it. I got to hang out with all of my friends, have fun, and be a role model for the younger fairies.

Nicole, age 12
Fairy Choreographer & Run Crew for A Midsummer Night's Dream

(Even though I couldn't be in the show), I still got to be with my friends and be around the play. Also, the other people (mainly parents) on set crew were really supportive and upbeat. I have some great memories of singing along and dancing backstage, with my fellow set movers.

Stephanie, age 14
Run Crew for many shows

I learned about having more of a leadership role during a play as opposed to being directed etc. I also learned how hard it is to keep kids under control and I understand now where directors are coming from when they ask kids to be quiet. It was fun because I got to know the kids and do something that I don't normally do with plays.

Michaela, age 15
Intern for The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

© 2008 Arlington Children's Theater. All rights reserved.

Last updated: Sun Jun 22 16:49:19 2008