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ACT is an all-volunteer organization and, as such, relies on the generosity and skills of many talented and committed individuals. Each ACT production requires the participation of family members and volunteers in the creation of sets, costumes, make-up, lighting and sound design. In addition, we always need help selling tickets, staffing the theater, manning the bake sale tables, selling raffle tickets, and working backstage. If you are interested in becoming involved with ACT in any capacity, please contact us.

Are you a director, choreographer, or musical director? We need you! We're always looking for enthusiastic, energetic, and committed people. ACT works with volunteer directors in every phase of each production. If you are interested in volunteering your time and expertise to work with a cast of eager and hard-working young people, please contact us.

So many of us don't have enough time to help all the organizations we'd like to. If you're unable to serve on the ACT Board but you'd like to make a commitment to ACT, how about becoming a "Friend of ACT"? It doesn't cost anything and you have no responsibilities. Let us know what areas you can help in (ushering, selling tickets, lighting, sound, carpentry, fundraising, grant writing, etc.) and we'll call on you when you're needed.

ACT is a growing and evolving organization with an active and open board. Consider volunteering your time to become a member of the ACT Board.

Friends of ACT

Rick Stavros
Deb Butler
Chris Cronin
Pam Edelman
Lauren R. Jastremski
Allysen Palmer

© 2008 Arlington Children's Theater. All rights reserved.

Last updated: Sun Jun 22 17:33:40 2008