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The Sound of Music
Producers:Josh Bell
Emily Winston
Mary Frances Gydus
Director:Matt Lundeen
Music Director:Emily Roos
Choreographer:Kristin Rainville
Fee:$175 due at audition.
No refunds after start of auditions.
Registration:Nov 5–Dec 9
AuditionsTue & Wed, Dec 18 & 19
Character Descriptions
Rehearsals: Full Schedule
My Schedule
Dance: Sun 4–6 PM, Thu 6–8 PM
Music and Scenes: Sun, Mon, Tue & Thu 5:30–8:30 PM
First Rehearsal: Monday, Jan 7 5:30–7:30 PM
Dress Rehearsals: March 10–13
Performances: red: 7 PM Thursday, March 14
blue: 7 PM Friday, March 15
red: 10 AM Saturday, March 16
blue: 2 PM Saturday, March 16
red: 7 PM Saturday, March 16
blue: 2 PM Sunday, March 17

The Regent Theatre
Sound of Music Logo
Artwork by Hannah Allen


Please make checks payable to:

Arlington Children's Theatre
41 Foster St., Unit 5
Arlington MA, 02474

----- OR -----

Pay via PayPal or Credit Card:

Name(s) of Participant(s):

The Sound of Music

Welcome to ACT's 2013 Winter Musical.

We will be updating this page throughout the production, so be sure to check back here and refresh or reload your browser to make sure you are getting the latest information.


Auditions will be held on Tuesday, December 18th and Wednesday, December 19th from 5–9 PM at Arlington Center for the Arts. There are a few things we need you to do to prepare:

First Rehearsals

Monday, January 7: Welcome, First Rehearsal
  • 5:30 pm–end of parent meeting: All ACTors
  • 6:30 pm: Mandatory parent meeting
    • Our goal is to keep the parent meeting to 1/2 hour so you can leave by 7:00 pm with your child(ren).
Tuesday, January 8: Read Through
  • 5:30–7 pm: all ACTors ages 7–11
  • 7–8:30 pm: all ACTors ages 12–17
Thursday, January 10: Dance
  • 5:30–7 pm: all ACTors ages 7–11
  • 7–8:30 pm: all ACTors ages 12–17

The cast list will be emailed over the weekend. Sunday, January 13 will begin rehearsals by cast and character.

Registration Details

As is now our standard policy, final casting decisions will not be made until after the first rehearsals. The staff will use this time to get to know the cast and explore the show.

Please note the rehearsal schedule for the show. Your child will not be required to attend every rehearsal, only those where they are called. You can look at the schedule links for last summer's productions to see how this works. Absences are strongly discouraged throughout the production, and attendance is mandatory from the beginning of dress rehearsals on, so please plan accordingly. All actors and at least one parent are also expected to attend the first meeting on Monday, October 22nd, where we will share more details about the production and have sign-ups for volunteer committees.

All payments or payment arrangements must be secured before auditions. There are no refunds after the start of auditions. Although we sometimes have a waitlist, bringing actors into the production after auditions presents numerous challenges for the staff and does not give the late arrivals a fair start to the production.

Forms, etc:

General Information:

Art Guidelines—Is your child interested in having their artwork appear on posters, programs, or T-Shirts? Follow these instructions to make sure the artwork fits our general standards.


For announcements of shows, auditions, workshops and other activities of the ACT, please sign up for our e-mail mailing list.

© 2013 Arlington Children's Theatre. All rights reserved.

Last updated: Sat Jun 1, 2013 11:02 EDT