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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Character Descriptions

Mr. Willy Wonka
The eccentric owner of the Wonka chocolate factory. Mr.Wonka is the most renowned candy maker in the world and an endless combination of opposing parts. He is old but filled with a boundless energy.
Charlie Bucket
The protagonist of the play. Charlie is unassuming and respectful toward everyone in his life. He is undernourished but refuses to ever take an extra portion of food because it would deprive another member of his family.
Grandpa Joe
Charlie’s paternal grandfather. Grandpa Joe spends all his time in bed with the other three Bucket grandparents. He is extremely imaginative and fun loving. He realizes a return of his childish energy when Charlie finds the golden ticket.
Augustus Gloop
A fat boy who loves nothing but eating. Augustus is rude and insubordinate in his never-ending quest to fill his own face. His parents choose to indulge him rather than listen to his whining.
Veruca Salt
A spoiled brat. Veruca demands anything she wants and throws tantrums until her parents meet her demands. She is mean and completely self-involved, and her parents always acquiesce to her wishes.
Violet Beauregarde
An avid gum chewer. Violet’s attempt to beat a gum-chewing record completely consumes her. At the factory her gum-chewing antics become her downfall when she grabs an experimental piece of gum against Mr. Wonka’s advice
Mike Teavee
A boy who cares only for television. The more guns and violence on a show, the more Mike likes it. Mike is slightly more complex than the other bad children in that he is smart enough to realize when Mr. Wonka is lying to him. Still, his attempts to get answers to his questions go completely unheeded.
The Oompa-Loompas
Fun-loving dwarves hailing from Loompaland. Mr. Wonka’s diminutive work force feasts on cacao beans and performs all of the work in the Wonka chocolate factory. They also enjoy dancing, beating drums, and singing songs about what happens to bad children.
Mr. Bucket
Charlie’s hard-working father. Mr. Bucket works tirelessly to provide for his family, which includes two sets of grandparents. In spite of his efforts, Mr. Bucket barely earns enough money for his family to survive.
Mrs. Bucket
Charlie’s mother. Mrs. Bucket worries constantly about her son. She unfailingly tries to give Charlie her portion of a meal, which he always refuses. She is extremely giving in her efforts to take care of the four invalided grandparents with whom she lives.
Grandma Josephine
Charlie’s paternal grandmother. Grandma Josephine, like her fellow grandparents, spends all her time in bed. She loves Charlie and is quick to judge others.
Grandpa George
Charlie’s maternal grandfather. Grandpa George is pessimistic and terse. He does not seem as judgmental as the grandmothers and clearly loves Charlie.
Grandma Georgina
Charlie’s maternal grandmother. She is the mirror image of Grandma Josephine. She too is very quick to judge others.
Mr. and Mrs. Gloop
Augustus’s parents. The Gloops are moronic and indulgent of their son’s overeating. Mrs. Gloop is proud of her son’s appetite and thinks it better that he eat than be a nuisance.
Mr. and Mrs. Salt
Veruca’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Salt are at their daughter’s beck and call. Whenever she screams and cries they give in to her every demand. Mr. Salt goes so far as to divert his entire factory from shelling peanuts to shelling candy bars in order to get Veruca the golden ticket she demands.
Mr. and Mrs. Beauregarde
Violet’s parents. The Beauregardes are weak and ineffectual. They let their daughter talk back to them and ignore her insults.
Mr. and Mrs. Teavee
Mike’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Teavee are hands-off parents. They allow the television to parent their son.

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Last updated: Sun Aug 27 2017 16:18 EDT