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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Producers: Laoti Bussone
Josh Bell
Director:Matt Lundeen
Assistant Director:Laura Kirchner
Stage Management Intern:Conor Horgan
Fee:$175 due at audition.
No refunds after start of auditions.
Registration:Aug 15–29
Auditions:Wed & Thu September 6th & 7th, 5–7 PM

SchedLinks: Hidden until online schedule is posted

5–7:30 PM

Red Cast: Mon & Wed

Blue Cast: Tue & Thu
starting September 11th at ACT/Trinity

Dress Rehearsals:

Sunday Nov 12:
Red Cast Dress: 2–5 PM
Blue Cast Dress: 5:30–8:30 PM

Monday Nov 13:
Red Cast: 5–8 PM

Tuesday Nov 14:
Blue Cast 5–8 PM


School performances:
Red 9 AM Wed Nov 15
Red 11 AM Wed Nov 15
Blue 9 AM Thu Nov 16
Blue 11 AM Thu Nov 16

Public performances:
Red 7 PM Friday Nov 17
Red 2 PM Saturday Nov 18
Blue 7 PM Saturday Nov 18
Blue 3 PM Sunday Nov 19

Arlington Masonic Temple
Reduced program fees are available to those who require financial assistance. An application for reduced program fees must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the first meeting of a production or workshop to be considered. Please contact the treasurer for more information.

Payment: May be hidden after all payments are received.


Please make checks payable to:

Arlington Children's Theatre
115 Massachusetts Ave.
Arlington MA, 02474

----- OR -----

Pay via PayPal or Credit Card:

Name(s) of Participant(s):
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Guides: Notes in this color are to expose the structure of the page and will be hidden before the page goes live. Various parts of the page will be hidden at various times as noted.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Welcome to ACT's 2017 fall production for younger ACTors.

This production will include 4 school performances. Actors should coordinate with their own school and teachers to be out of class from at least 8AM-1PM on performance days.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory will be double cast, with each cast alternating school and public performances with 4 performances per cast.

We will be updating this page throughout the production, so be sure to check back here and refresh or reload your browser to make sure you are getting the latest information.

AuditionInfo: Will be hidden after auditions


Auditions are scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday September 6th and 7th from 5:00–7:00 PM at ACT/Trinity. If you have conflicts with these times, please contact the producers.

In preparation for auditions, please:

FirstReh: Will be hidden until after auditions, then can be hidden after the first rehearsal.

First Rehearsals

Here is the run down for the first week:

Monday: Call backs for all ACTors will be held from 5–7:30 PM. ACTors and artistic staff will be working on some character development, break out scenes, and allowing the chance for everyone to know each other!

The parent meeting will be held from 6:30–7:30. ACT is an all-volunteer organization and as the saying goes, “many hands make light work.” During the meeting, we require at least one parent from each family. We will be talking about the volunteer committees, expectations, and what to expect through out the show.

Take a peak at the volunteer committees and descriptions before Monday.

Tuesday: Take a break! The artistic staff will be working on casting.

Wednesday: There will be a read through for everyone who is cast in the RED cast from 5–7.

Thursday: There will be a read through for everyone who is cast in the BLUE cast from 5–7.

SchedPosted: Hidden until schedule is ready.

Schedules Posted

Links to the online schedule for all shows can be found in the table on the right. These schedules will continue to be updated as rehearsals start, so be sure to check back frequently.

ProductionNotes: Will be hidden until there are production notes.



Bring your forms and payment with you to your audition.

About the Play

Who wouldn't want to join Charlie Bucket in his adventurous tour of Willy Wonka's world-famous Chocolate Factory? Now is your chance! Audiences will see Augustus Gloop, Violet Beauregarde, Veruca Salt, Grandpa George, Grandma Georgina, Willy Wonka and Charlie himself come to life, and all involved will discover the true meaning of teamwork, self-confidence and self-esteem.

For announcements of shows, auditions, workshops and other activities of the ACT, please sign up for our e-mail mailing list.

© 2018 Arlington Children's Theatre. All rights reserved.

Last updated: Wed Jul 4 2018 15:00 EDT