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Bat Boy Audition Instructions

[Acting] [Music]


Actors are asked to prepare one of the following monologues. Memorization is highly recommended.


Sorry I am so late! The roads are all mud and the lights are out all over town! But I got a limit! Hello! (looks at his dead geese) I will call this one Fricassee, and this one I'll call Cacciatore. Heh-heh....I was just getting ready to pack it in when the wind starts kicking up, and this perfect formation of honkers comes banking around from the west, and (bangs cage) AAH! What's the big cage doing out? Another stray? (looks into cage at Bat Boy)....Jesus! How did you get here?

(Continues): I can hear it now: "There goes Dr. Parker. He couldn't manage to save our cattle, but he saved the Bat Boy. He's Hope Falls' finest citizen, maybe we won't run him on a rail after all..


(to Shelley) Courting is a slippery slope, dear, and it's a young lady's job to provide the friction. When I was your age a young lady didn't even call a boy, especially if she wanted to. If Rick is worthy of you, he'll know that he needs to call you back. You have to look out for these boys, Shelley. Most of them are so out of control with their...hormones that they really aren't in charge of their actions. But you don't suffer from their hormonal problems, so you'll bear the responsibility if something....happens.


I am pleased to confirm that the Reverend Billy Hightower will be bringing his Tent Revival Meeting and BBQ to Hope Falls come spring. And The Revival Committee has decided that we should put the revival tent behind the VFW Hall with the back of it facing west so afternoon sun illuminates the cross. You see, Reverend Hightower has but this translucent vinyl cross on the back of the stained glass but vinyl? and we just thought that the sun shining through there would synergize the spiritual aesthetic.


I know Dr. Parker, in Genesis 9, verse 4, God says to Noah, "Blood shall ye not eat." A commandment from God Himself! Do you think I'll ever be able to stop? Oh yes, I see, "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Death, I will fear no evil. For Though art with me. Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies.

I know.....I know you hate me. But I have to believe that it's because you don't know me. If you could see me....I mean, if you could see me the way I see all of you....


(Staring at Bat Boy) Oh, My Lord. Oh Jesus, Son of God! Now hold on, hold on. Let's bring it down, bring it down. (to Bat Boy) You've got something bad in you, don't you, so? Well come on down! Well, look at you! You've got a hunger, don't you son? It's eating you up. It's gnawing a hole in your soul. Are you ready for the healing? Are you ready for the healing?. I hear the Holy Ghost talking to me. He says there's someone on this room who doesn't want this boy to be healed. Can that be right? Is there someone here tonight who does not want healing for this boy?


For the music portion of the auditions, actors should prepare one of the provided songs. Listen to the sound clip, and look over the sheet music. At the audition, you will sing the piece accompanied by the piano. Feel free to bring a copy of the sheet music with you.

3 Bedroom House: [pdf] [mp3]
A Home For You: [pdf] [mp3]
Christian Charity: [pdf] [mp3]
Comfort and Joy: [pdf] [mp3]

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Last updated: Tue Oct 18 2016 20:22 EDT